In the heart of Ferrara city, around the 19th century the Oratory of the Annunciation was born, it was gifted to the Brotherhood of the Good Death in 1378 which helped the people sentenced to death in their last hours of life and offered them a proper burial. In 1373 Nicolò dall’Oro, benefactor of the brotherhood, allowed to expand the Oratory near Santa Maria in Vado. The brotherhood was really devoted to the Santa Croce cult, so that in 16th century a relic of Sacro Legno was given to Isabella d’Aragona, it was guarded at the Oratory since 1492.


  • 1366
    Brotherhood of the Good Death
    The Brotherhood of the Good Death was founded in Ferrara. These kind of brotherhoods were born in many parts of Italy with the purpose to help the people sentenced to death, out of pity. From the transcripts, we learn that the main goal of the devoti de la morte of Ferrara were the works of mercy and the health of the brethren and benefactors. As charitable contribution, the people sentenced to death were accompanied to the scaffold with hymns and prayers and a proper burial.
  • 1373
    Oratory construction
    The Oratory of the Virgin of the Annunciation was built near Santa Maria in Vado. A hospital (not similar to the actual health institutions), but a place where the people sentenced to death found comfort before dying.
  • 1547
    Vera Croce
    Decoration of the room that contains the Vera Croce cycle. The decoration shows, in eight pictures, the legend of the crux, that is inspired the legend of Jacopo da Varagine, written in the middle of 1200. Considered from the critiques “the best religious cycle in Ferrara painted in 1500”, the Vera Croce cycle was realised by the greatest artists from that time, including Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo and Girolamo da Carpi, Delaì and Roselli.
  • 1612
    The members of the Brotherhood transformed the Oratory into a Church by joining the lowest part with the highest and by demolishing the attic. The main purpose was to help the prayers that wanted to adore the Blessed Sacrament. The project was committed to the architect Giovan Battista Aleotti.
  • 1944
    The church was badly damaged by bombings that caused internal damages, the partial demolition of the facade and cracks into every wall. In 1950, during the Jubilee year, the construction of the attic in hollow-core concrete was completed.
  • 2012
    The Oratory was badly damaged by the earthquake and since then it has been closed to the public, waiting for restoration. The deterioration related to the cycle paintings requires an urgent intervent of consolidation so that such an important and beautiful place returns visitable by citizens and tourists.



In 1547 began the decoration of the pictorial cycle by the greatest artists from that time, including Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo and Girolamo da Carpi, Delaì and Roselli. These prestigious artists painted the legno della Croce on the internal walls of the Oratory, that represented the legend of Jacopo da Varagine, written in the middle of 1200. Like a story subdivided in many video frames, the cycle begins on the right wall of the presbytery and finishes on the left wall. The Commissioner of the Brotherhood commissions to Francesco Scala the realization of some decorations to modify the perspective of the room. Thanks to that decorations, the episodes of the cycle of the Vera Croce appear like a gallery.



The Oratory was originally a building with a central corridor subdivided in two rooms, the highest one used for concerts and shows, the lowest one in which you could find the small theatre managed by the nuns. The construction remained the same until the demolition of the attic in the 17th century, when the Oratory became a church with a single room: in 1612,  the members of the Confraternity voted unanimously to convert the Oratory in a church. The main purpose was to help the prayers that wanted to adore during the Forty Hours’ Devotion. Much later, in 1950, after the construction of the attic in hollow-core concrete, the original structure with two rooms was recreated. Particularly valuable is the coffered roof that incorporates the internal beams and, combined with the frescoes, creates a beautiful frame to the viewer.